I'm camped out, once again, in the great SW of London this week. Lots of family time and fun with the Zekestar who is really into wrestling at the moment, Alarm!!!
On Sunday I took him to the most fun playground at Hyde Park - pirate ship, treasure chest, etc it's awesome. We climbed the look out and got to the treasure, while Zeke circled the chest I jumped onto it.
Zeke: Good boy Yaya.
Yaya: I'm not a boy Zeke, I'm a girl...
Zeke: Good man Yaya!
Love him to pieces!!!Life has been great and I'm loving the warmer weather, the new flat, all the lovely people I get to work with, church and God has been opening up doors I never knew existed. Feel spoilt and immensely blessed.
HAHAHAHA... der liebe zeke... aber du könntest mal weniger sonstige anspielungen anklingen lassen und was handfestes punkto offener türen schreiben, net woah???