Tuesday, April 13, 2010

unexpected holidays, sort of

A couple of months ago I mentioned how one of my New Years resolutions was to read more and how much I admire the Fifty Two Fifty Two project. Current book count of 2010 is eleven with having started three more books - my horrible habit of reading multiple books at the same time, I know!

Yesterday for some reason I sat down with a brand new book and didn't stop until I was done four hours later. Granted it was not the hardest book to read but I can't remember the last time I was as relaxed to do that. It seriously felt like a mini break away from life.
Started another one last night, No Impact Man by Colin Beavan. Found it the other day and remembered watching this trailer while I was in Tennessee.
Being green at heart and always looking for ways to make this world a better place, I like reading what other people do. So far I'm loving it and think that everyone should read up on these things. In my opinion everyone should check out Matthew Sleeth's Serve God, Save The Planet as well. Probably his book and the whole God is green series that the Mars Hills community walked through a couple years ago, have shaped me quite a bit. As has Carl Honore and his book In Praise Of Slow.

Don't know why but had a day off today as well, so going with the whole green theme, I finally had time to check out our garden and planted some seeds. Hopefully they will all turn into plants and bear much fruit :)

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