Saturday, February 27, 2010

Grind Coffee Bar

Took a little trip to Heathrow yesterday - little Zeke was so excited to go on a "big fat aeroplane" - and on my way back I stopped at the new Grind Coffee Bar in Putney. 
When I first got to London I helped the team at church sort out their tour stuff, that's how I met Dicko. Besides being a great drummer, he makes awesome coffee and opened up his own coffee shop on Lower Richmond Road sometime last year. They moved across the road from their old spot this week - 2mins from the river, will be lovely in the summer!! - and before opening today!!! they needed a couple extra hands to get everything ready.
Spent hours scratching and peeling stickers off the windows and door. My fingers are so sore today but seeing the clean windows afterwards was instant gratification!  
Next time you're in Putney and want a nice cup of coffee or just a place to hang out or work(free WIFI) check out Grind.

glimpses of spring

As I said the other day, there is hope...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

home is where the heart breaks

Having a My Glorious work day before I head off to the great SW of London to see friends off before they go on holiday. How good does two weeks at the beach sound right now... If there weren't the signs of spring and the hope that, whatever this thing is they call "winter" up here will be over shortly, I'd be more than tempted!!
Back to MG, the boys got some really good reviews and feedback for Home Is Where The Heart Breaks and it's exciting to see where this is going. If you haven't got it already go and get the album here, here and, here.

the olympics

Finally feeling great again, not quite ready to start running again but at least I went round the park again and again today. Looks like the daffodils are slowly making their way out, soon everything will be covered in yellow! It will be beautiful and spring will be here. If winter sucks in this country, spring always makes up for it.
Having all this time before I start my new job next week, I've been keeping up to date with everything olympic this week. Love it. Missed out on all the ski jumping - sad - but was super excited to watch skicross. It's insane - boardercross is bad enough but skis plus sticks are 4 things that can poke you!!! One other thing that still gets me is figure skating... how do you not throw up with all that twirling/spinning and in addition smile the entire time. Will file it under things I will never understand.

Monday, February 22, 2010


A day on the sofa has morphed into a couple days on the sofa and in bed. Not the nicest thing but at least my body gets some rest. Best movie so far has been "the invention of lying" - Ricky Gervais is still the funniest guy.
Maria's order today was to take a bath and as there is no bath salt for colds or anything like that around she was like "put some rosemary in". So I did. Was laughing the entire time as I thought with a little bit of carrot, this would start to look like soup :)
Can't wait for what this week has to offer. I'm jotting down lots of plans for the rest of the year and what the future might bring. It's exciting!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

a day on the sofa

Being sick must be one of the most boring things ever. No energy to hold a book or do anything, you always end up in front of the TV watching reruns or terrible shows on daytime television! Plus sipping uncountable cups of tea.

Anyway, enough about being sick. As mentioned before LFW started yesterday and here is some evidence from the Vauxhall Fashion Scout opening in Covent Garden.
These are the coats I made while I was in Tennessee as seen on the runway yesterday.
Had to fill seats and therefore got lovely goodie bags. There have to be some perks in life right :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

London Fashion Week

Prophetik, who I worked with in the States last year, are showcasing their new collection in London today. Always a bit of a rebel, Maria and I will go wearing Zoe Boomer and as Zoe can't make it we're representing the ZB brand. That girl is so talented and I'm waiting for the day she gets to present her new collection at fashion week. It will be phenomenal and I will be found somewhere at the front screaming and cheering her on!!
Went over to her studio last  night and got to pick out dresses and tops for us to wear. Being girls, Jade (who helped me pick out our outfits) and I tried on half the stuff that was on the racks. Ended up with us humming the wedding march - have a look at the white dress on her front page and you'll understand haha.

On the way back I took a few photos at Putney bridge.
The river may be the prettiest thing around there and at night time it's even more beautiful.

lent season

It was Ash Wednesday the other day, which marks the beginning of lent. I was thinking about what to give up this year and decided to go back to my London diet. No sugar, no dairy, no gluten. It's gonna be a fun time!!
Anyway it's not about me but Jesus who took on the cross and conquered death. Hallelujah! It's a special time every year and I can't wait for what God's got in store for us as a church and personally this time. A lot of seeking and hopefully new revelations and a fantastic Easter celebration at the end!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Marc Jacobs

There is one collection every season that I can't wait to look at -
 the one by Marc Jacobs. 
He's done it again and I couldn't like it more. 
the attention to detail 
the colours
the seating arrangement
the follow spots
the BAGS
the dramatic coats
the gowns
Oh so simple but magical. 
Watch his Fall/Winter 10 collection here

getting lost and church cushions

I headed out to the dockland area in the morning. Lesson of the day, do not rely on the maps you find at tube stations. I got lost and for some reason ended up in a tunnel underneath the river. Anyway when I landed in Greenwich I knew I was wrong and back through the tunnel I went. I should have counted all the stairs AAAAHHHHH
Got to be part of another student short film today. We were church goers and had to sit in this beautiful little church. To be honest I think everyone was freezing their butt of as the temperature inside could not have been any different to outside. At least thanks to all the wonderful grannies, who have stitched the pew cushions, we sat comfortable!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

money and wealth

Can't tell you how good it is to be back at my home church. I love God and His house and still feel spoilt to be part of something as great as this.
As money has been such a big topic everywhere - credit crunch anyone!! - we all got a book on it today. How good is that. Considering that Britain is the number one leader in personal debt, it's great that our leaders give away thousands of copies of this book, so people can get the God perspective on finance!

Friday, February 12, 2010

London skies

The other morning I looked out of the window...
a full on snow storm was happening right in front of my eyes. The 10 minutes it took us to get out of our pjs and out the door, were long enough to have a complete change of weather. 
In Austria this may happen in April, but even than it lasts a little longer!! Had a lovely walk though and enjoyed the sun on our faces!

By the way, got to be an extra in an independent movie this week. Seriously how hard is the decision if somebody asks you to hang out at a bar for a couple hours. Fun people, great bar. More information on that to come :)

the great south west

Just got back from a visit with my favourite London family. So good to see them face to face and not just on a computer screen!! As always it was too short, but so much fun.
Had some Yaya/Zeke time at the park this morning and spent most of the way alternating between "really slow", where you have to walk at snail's pace, and "really fast". Spinning around in circles is another favourite and yelling "Dr. Paper"????!!!! Whatever, I'm sure it makes sense in his little world :) Can't believe how much he's changed in the last 2 months!
Look at him as cheeky as ever, I just want to kiss those cheeks.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

back in the city

Flying into Heathrow the other night, once we were past all the clouds, you could see the city twinkling like heaps of fairy lights being strung across the ground. It looked so pretty and sparkly.
This was maybe the best flight I've been on in the last couple months, super friendly stewards and we were early!!! on a flight to London!!! Don't think this has ever happened to me before... So I wrote them an email to say thank you :)
Anyway spent the entire flight reading Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K Jerome. Funniest book of 2010 so far. (by the way, my book count is up to five, I might even make the Fifty Two Fifty Two thing this year - would be crazy).
It's exciting to be back and, after being gone for almost 6 months, it feels like settling into a new city. Best thing was to start my time back here with a team vision night at church.
In Habakkuk 2 it says
Write the vision and make it plain
That's what our leaders did and it's a great place to start. Nothing major, just as simple as that. Watch the video here. I'm pumped for what's ahead of us this year. God is amazing and I'm humbled to be part of His plan.

On another note, read a killer review on Home Is Where The Heart Breaks here. Boys I'm proud of you!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

auf wiedersehen

After almost two months time I'm packing my bags yet again.
The last couple weeks have been filled with special moments, new plans and dreams, lots of friends and family, snow and celebrations and so much food that I have to squeeze myself into my jeans today :)
When you live abroad there's always this tension of liking where you are but missing your friends and family, thank God the first visitors have announced themselves for March. yippie yay
Now I'm excited for everyone in London town! Can't wait to see what the future holds and to catch up with everyone and most of all squeeze my little Zeke friend!
Bye Austria, it's been a blast xxx

weekend roundup

This last weekend was kind of a highlight, as I got to travel with My Glorious before they head over to the States and all of us stayed in Salzburg and got to hang with my besties Friday and Saturday!
Ruth, Ian, Simon and Schniffi you were truly missed!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010


In a couple of hours My Glorious plus family will make their way to the beautiful city of Salzburg. I can't wait to see my favourite people and feel immensely blessed to get to see them once more before I head back to the cold island.
If you're bored head over to I heart and check out what's going on at the moment, how you can help and share what you've been doing to spread the love and make the world a better place!
Have a fabulous weekend x

ice skating and old friends

Can't remember if I got to go ice skating last winter, but made up for the last couple years today.
Met up with my wonderful and funny friend Richard, who is one of the chiefs behind the Vienna Ice Dream in front of the city hall. We were joined by Margit and Mike, and caught up on what's been happening over the last couple years. 
After hours at Cafe Einstein, Margit and I braved the cold and put on our skates. Don't know how we did it, but for the next 2.5 hours we skated across the ice. Forget boring square or oval ice rinks, they have fun little ice allies around the park. Miracles of miracles, during all this time neither of us fell down once. Very impressed and a little proud I have to say. The most beautiful thing has to be the backdrop of city hall and Burgtheater, an atmosphere you can't get anywhere else in the world. Stunning!
Have a look:
Thanks for the tickets Richard, Margit thanks for coming out to play. Loved it and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

vineyard tours and new friends

Took a walk around the vineyards in our area with Shawna this morning. It was slippery and the weather was dreadful but it was lovely to spend some time with a new friend!

ideas and a pot of tea

Met up with my friend Berni/Burn today, best afternoon at a coffee house in a while. Creative juices were flowing over a pot of tea and lots of ideas were written down.
Watch this space for lots of fun stuff!


Recently this subject has come up again and again in conversations or elsewhere. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert on this topic nor do I say that I've got it all together, but here are a few thoughts...

I get so taken aback when people, mostly friends, tell me about the way they see themselves - such a warped view it is ridiculous!!! Never know if I'm angry or just plain sad when I hear that.
Let's set a few things straight! You - every human being - are loved by the One who created you, worth way more than rubies and pearls. You might not have experienced that due to the people that have surrounded you your entire life and that makes me really sad. It means that we have missed something, we are to place value on humanity and restore dignity, not take it away. When you think ill of yourself, it's like poison slowly seeping into all areas of your life. So please don't start, it's vicious.

Life is not perfect but we've got a perfect Saviour who's done everything to take all of that crap away. Hallelujah. Why do we have such a hard time to see ourselves the way God sees us? Isn't the One living inside us greater than the one who is in the world? Maybe it is only when we encounter Jesus and He holds up a mirror and asks you to look at it and than He tells you what He sees in you, that you truly begin to understand.
We're all part of this journey called life, but if we can't even get the basics right, no wonder we look to other things and run someone else's race instead of our own. You're unique and not meant to be like anyone else, not a copy nor a clone. Meant to stand out in a crowd :)

If you still don't have a resolution for 2010, decide to rest in God and let Him tell you who you are again and again this year.

"The thief does not come except to steal, to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

sometimes all you need... a night in.
With divine smelling warm brownies and a cup of tea, my mum and I got comfortable on the sofa and watched the lovely Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face.
Loved it, not only because Givenchy did her wardrobe, but also for the colours (for a 1956 movie it's quite bright I have to say) and for Paris!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

last week in Austria

The last couple days have been packed with lots and lots of people. It's been crazy but really good. There are so many that I only get to see once or twice a year and it makes it all the more special to spend time with them.
Yesterday I got to hang out with my friend Carina. We studied together in Sydney and it's been ages since I saw her. This sunset unfolded before us while we were talking...
Gorgeous colours and I love the view over Vienna, even the cranes!
I'm enjoying a half empty house at the moment - no brothers, no noise it seems!! Gotta remember that for the future haha.