Monday, April 23, 2012

current obsession

eco prints
I wrote about it two weeks ago and there is a post in the making. It is testing my patience but seeing the outcome is immensely gratifying. More later

doing my bit to save the planet
All this time off in between touring and crafting and theatre work, has me read up on everything from diy shampoo to sustainable clothing to plastic free living :) There is a whole lot to learn and put into action. So far the no shampoo experience is working!

The Hunger Games
I've finally jumped on that bandwagon, only years later haha but I finished the first book today and can't wait to get my hands on part two and three. How it is possible that this was written for a much younger audience is beyond me since it's all about murdering teenagers in a horribly dark world. (I cried 30 pages into it for the first time!!! and messaged my friend, who's read all of them, about it only to get that reply: "What I didn't even like it that early on. It will destroy you." - wonderful!)
Might need to read some Jane Austen to feel at peace again.

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