Monday, October 3, 2011

what happens ...

... when my dad and brothers decide that they're really funny.
 They build another Astrid!!!!
I made a dress form for sewing purposes last week, so when the family got together for Sunday lunch they found a torso with my measurements  hanging in my room and thought it would be fun to scare me  haha Ulrich put about eight layers of clothing on it and they stuffed my leggins with packing peanuts, used a small pillow and hat to make a head and my dad printed out a photo of myself to stick on the pillow. They even got out some of my gloves to make up for missing hands!
When I walked into the room I got really confused but wasn't really paying attention haha leave it to my brother to hide inside the bed, laughing hysterically! Yeah they're that crazy!!!! Welcome to my world. At least they had the time of their lives haha