Anyway I made my 6am flight - thank you Bob for taking me to the airport - saw Chicago airport for 2 hours and finally made it to NYC.
The early morning was all worth it when I got to see this:
Isn't that the most wonderful sight ever! I love sunrises and mornings and new beginnings. Reminds me that after darkness comes light, after night comes morning.
Lidia picked me up at the airport and we stopped at this little french place in Greenwich for lunch, delicious. How can something as simple as salad taste so good?
On our way back we stopped at Alex and Deb's place and what was intended to be a "let's pop in for a couple minutes" ended up to be a 2 hour hang out with food and drinks.
Housemates for life - I heart you and it's so nice to be back here!!!
oh yeah, aber vor lauter begeisterung bitte nicht vergessen, weiter zu bloggen, gell?